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We have many things to offer at Immanuel. Find where you fit in...

At Immanuel Church, we want everyone to have a place where they feel right at home. Below are several of the activities we offer, if you don't see something that interests you, call the church office (708/258.6966) to find out our full list of activities and events. The best way to feel at home in a church is to find a smaller group within the  church. Here is where you will get to know people on a more personal level and where you will get to be known. Our goal here at Immanuel is that everyone will be Known, Loved and Missed.  Known by others and by God, loved by others and by God, and Missed when life gets in the way and you don't make it to an event or activity.

Sunday School

Sunday School meets every week during the school year. It begins at 9 am on Sunday mornings before worship. 
The Sunday School children will be singing during morning worship once per month.  

Confirmation classes for 7th & 8th graders meets every week during the school year on Sunday mornings at 8:45 am.


Youth Activities

Our youth group (7th grade and up) meets a few times a month.  We have Teen Time after church some Sundays and have planned outings during the month too.

Contact the church office to get the latest dates of upcoming meetings.

Colorful Quilt
Quilt Ministry

Immanuel's Prayer Quilt Ministry is an opportunity to minister to those who are going through a difficult time. Each quilt is lovingly pieced together for a specific recipient and that person is prayed for as the quilters work. The congregation then also has a chance to pray specifically for the recipient as well. 

All Church

The next Backbay Mission trip is scheduled for February 25 thourgh March 3, 2023. If anyone is interested in joining us on the trip please contact Jeff Ruhbeck or the office for more details. 


We value Christ's great commission to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. We support several mission groups, offer a bi-yearly mission trip to Back Bay Missions in Buloxi, Mississippi, sponsor several children in other countries, and each month our mission offering is extended to a different group bringing God's love to others. We have been involved in Heifer International, Helping Hands here in Peotone, Back Bay Missions in Buloxi, MS, Church World Service, Mission Starfish Haiti, Treehouse Youth in Minneapolis MN, Global Partners, and many others. (See our "MORE" page on this website for more information.) 


We'd love to have you join one of our music groups.

  • Handbells:  Meets Wednesday evenings at 7 pm beginning in November.

  • Adult choir - The choir  practices on Tuesday evenings at 7:15pm,  during the school year. Lift your voice to the Lord, come join us. New singers are ALWAYS welcome, God loves to hear your voice raised in song. 

  • Pianist/Organist: Would you like to play for a Sunday morning service or perhaps help out in the Sunday School program?

  • ​

Laurie is the head of our musical activities and would be happy to help you find your niche in our music program. 

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